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Number of Students inAdult HEIs by Field of Study


Unit:in Person



30岁及以下 30 and under

31--35 31 to 35

36--40 36 to 40

41--45 41 to 45

46--50 46 to 50

51--55 51 to 55

56--60 56 to 60

61--65 61 to 65

66岁及以上 66 and over

总计 Total 115401 441 6283 29702 22821 20527 12037 12722 6689 4179
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 24003 92 1568 6999 4859 4506 2429 2232 930 388
分职称:正高级 By Rank:Senior 57497 38 841 8156 10249 11616 7350 9186 6083 3978
 副高级 Sub-senior 57904 403 5442 21546 12572 8911 4687 3536 606 201
分指导关系:博士导师 By Level of Programs Supervised: Supervisors of doctoral Programs 8229   60 747 998 1139 825 1335 1428 1697
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 888   3 59 95 123 109 171 164 164
 硕士导师 Supervisors of Master's Degree Programs 91197 439 6029 26510 18894 16535 9538 8953 3282 1017
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 21503 92 1543 6747 4516 4069 2137 1740 552 107
 博士、硕士导师 Supervisors of Doc. & Mas. Degree Programs 15975 2 194 2445 2929 2853 1674 2434 1979 1465
 其中:女 Of Which: Female 1612   22 193 248 314 183 321 214 117


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