单位:人 |
unit:person |
Graduates |
Entrants |
Enrolment |
一、高等教育 Higher Education |
1.研究生 Postgraduates |
862165 |
1242479 |
3653613 |
博 士 Doctor?s Degree |
82320 |
138951 |
556065 |
硕 士 Master?s Degree |
779845 |
1103528 |
3097548 |
2.普通本科 Undergraduates |
4715658 |
4679358 |
19656436 |
3.职业本专科 Vocational Undergraduate |
4956907 |
5466063 |
16937739 |
本 科 Normal Courses |
9229 |
76302 |
228740 |
专 科 Short-cycle Courses |
4947678 |
5389761 |
16708999 |
4.成人本专科 Undergraduate in Adult HEIs |
3300668 |
4400196 |
9336481 |
本 科 Normal Courses |
1732128 |
2446444 |
5277598 |
专 科 Short-cycle Courses |
1568540 |
1953752 |
4058883 |
5.网络本专科生 Web-based Undergraduates |
2618888 |
2808900 |
8446500 |
本 科 Normal Courses |
1048500 |
1289961 |
3419642 |
专 科 Short-cycle Courses |
1570388 |
1518939 |
5026858 |
二、高中阶段教育 High school level education |
12233753 |
14323258 |
40531650 |
1.普通高中 Regular Senior Secondary Schools |
8241028 |
9475448 |
27138747 |
完全中学 Combined Secondary Schools |
2505450 |
2805115 |
8106884 |
高级中学 Regular High Schools |
5291660 |
6027036 |
17342205 |
十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools |
419793 |
611519 |
1609055 |
附设普通高中班 Subsidiary Regular Senior Secondary School Class |
24125 |
31778 |
80603 |
2.中等职业教育 Secondary Vocational Education |
3992725 |
4847810 |
13392903 |
中等职业学校 Secondary Vocational Schools |
3643436 |
4544517 |
12424538 |
附设中职班 Subsidiary Secondary vocational Class |
349289 |
303293 |
968365 |
三、义务教育阶段教育 Compulsory Education |
33645363 |
34327685 |
158526559 |
1.初中阶段 Junior Secondary Education |
16239236 |
17313811 |
51205965 |
初级中学 Regular Junior Secondary Schools |
10931031 |
11701021 |
34305497 |
九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools |
2782794 |
3081503 |
9141608 |
十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools |
534715 |
478043 |
1588544 |
完全中学 Combined Secondary Schools |
1949906 |
2023524 |
6073135 |
职业初中 Vocational Junior Secondary Schools |
345 |
228 |
771 |
附设普通初中班 Junior Sec. Classes Attached |
40399 |
29492 |
96354 |
附设职业初中班 Vocational Junior Sec. Classes Attached |
46 |
0 |
56 |
2.小学阶段 Primary Schools |
17406127 |
17013874 |
107320594 |
小学 Primary Schools |
14524425 |
14227134 |
89894656 |
九年一贯制学校 9-Year Schools |
2202222 |
2027725 |
13015991 |
十二年一贯制学校 12-Year Schools |
295704 |
229406 |
1627608 |
小学教学点(不计校数) ExternalTeaching Sites |
303084 |
515265 |
2607423 |
附设小学班 Subsidiary Primary School Class |
80692 |
14344 |
174916 |
四、特殊教育 Special Education |
158703 |
146257 |
918502 |
#特殊教育学校 Special Education Schools |
50581 |
47646 |
335659 |
五、学前教育 Pre-school Education |
16783163 |
13604348 |
46275486 |
幼儿园 Kindergartens |
15513861 |
12764113 |
44015367 |
附设幼儿班 Subsidiary Toddler Class |
1269302 |
840235 |
2260119 |
六、专门学校 Specialized Schools |
4295 |
5291 |
8109 |
七、成人中小学 Adult Primary and Secondary Schools |
6348 |
10052 |
14777 |
Note:1.Numbers of students in combined secondary schools,9-year schools,12-year schools are classified by educational levels;
2.Special education covers various forms including special education schools, attached special education classes, regular classes and ‘home delivery’ teaching. |